Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Personal Computer

The first integrated circuit for computers was developed in 1958. Only in 1971 was the microprocessor that contains all the basic elements of a computer on a single chip introduced, followed by affordable desktop computers in the mid-1970’s  Read more

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Electronic Computer

In the early 1940’s the electronic computer came into being with the mechanical relays replaced by vacuum tubes. These were, however, single purpose computer designed to aid in the war effort.
 The first general-purpose electronic computer was ENIAC(Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculation) that was put into operation at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946-a 30-ton machine that contained over 17,000 vacuum tubes and performed 100,000 operations per ..Read more

Forerunners of the Modern Computer

Credit for the concept of the modern computer goes to the British mathematician Charles Babbage who in the 1830’s designed a steam-powered ‘analytical engine’ that worked with punch cards. Although Babbage worked for decades at perfecting his design, he never built the machine.
In the 1880’s, American inventor Herman Hollerith developed a ‘tabulator’ to manipulate data on punch cards. The device was used to compile data from the 1890 census in less that two months compared to the more than seven                                                                                                           Read more